Cindy’s Survival Story
zurchinjbirch2024-09-16T16:00:03-04:00By Abby Mackey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette On a sunny day in April 1981, Shaler police Sgt. Ralph Hoffman was patrolling Mount Royal Boulevard when a car full of young men sped past him him with a blue volunteer firefighter’s light flashing on its roof. He knew there was no fire call in the area and, [...]
4’E’s of Maintenance
zurchinjbirch2024-10-01T14:15:19-04:00By: Dr Cindy Zurchin, Positive Consulting, LLC Published on Learning Omnivores The New Year brings thoughts of resolutions and ways to improve our lifestyles and create healthy habits. Many of us have experienced our best intentions end up in disappointments. There is no reason we have to pick the date of January 1 to make [...]
Taking Time to Give Thanks
zurchinjbirch2024-10-01T14:16:26-04:00I am Thankful for... As we prepare to think about Thanksgiving, which is right around the corner, I place signs that say, “I am Thankful for….” on the doors to each of our dance studios along with a pad of sticky notes. The students and families have a chance to take a sticky note [...]